General Pest Control

General Pest Control

Missouri has 597 different bugs that you can come across. Fortunately, most of them are harmless. There are some though that if you come across are scary, dangerous and can be deadly. Here are some of the more “unfriendly” bugs. Keep Triplett Pest Solutions on your list of favorite phone numbers in case you find any of these in your home.

Brown Recluse Spider: The Brown Recluse can be identified by the light brown color and the violin shaped marking on its back. In your home they will hide among folded clothes and towels and create a scenario where a bite will occur. The bite itself can be painless but the venom will cause fever, dizziness, and if left untreated, the skin around the bite will start to die. A brown recluse bite ended up with a man missing a portion of his leg. The damage to the man’s leg penetrated through all the layers of skin and subcutaneous fat but stopped at the membrane that encases his thigh muscle.

German Cockroach: Of the five types of cockroach that inhabit Missouri, the one most likely to found in your home is the German Cockroach. They prefer to hide under or around sinks, appliances, cupboards and baseboards. Populations of this species usually cluster together in large numbers inside cracks and crevices near warm areas with high humidity. They are usually found in large clusters and can grow to enormous numbers very quickly.

Bald Faced Hornet: The bald faced hornet is not a ‘true’ hornet – it is actually a yellow jacket. They have an extremely painful sting and to those with a sensitivity to bee stings, the sting can have serious consequences. 

Black Widow Spider: This is the king, or the queen rather, of danger. Black Widow spiders build their webs where people can come in to contact with them and when they do, this spider will aggressively attack. Black Widow venom is principally neurotoxic. Generalized body symptoms, which develop within one to three hours, may include any of the following: nausea, chills, slight fever, rise in blood pressure, retention of urine, burning sensation of the skin, fatigue, motor disturbances, breathing difficulty, constipation, and muscle aches, particularly in the abdomen.

At Triplett Pest Solutions, we are experts at keeping your home and family safe. Call us today for a free inspection. We will take care of any dangers that may be hiding and all of your pest control needs. 
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